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Friday The 13th: The Game Password


About This Game GameplayFriday the 13th: The Game is a third-person horror, survival game where players take on the role of a teen counselor, or for the first time ever, Jason Voorhees. You and six other unlucky souls will do everything possible to escape and survive while the most well-known killer in the world tracks you down and brutally slaughters you. Friday the 13th: The Game will strive to give every single player the tools to survive, escape or even try to take down the man who cannot be killed. Each and every gameplay session will give you an entirely new chance to prove if you have what it takes not only to survive, but to best the most prolific killer in cinema history, a slasher with more kills than any of his rivals!Meanwhile, Jason will be given an array of abilities to track, hunt and kill his prey. Stalk from the shadows, scare your targets and kill them when the time is right in as brutal a fashion as you can imagine. Take control of the legendary killer that is Jason Voorhees and terrify those unfortunate enough to cross your path!Play as Jason Voorhees!For the first time ever, you will have the opportunity to play as Jason Voorhees, the most famous killer in horror. Stalk your prey, ambush them whenever you see fit and strike fear in the hearts of so many hapless victims as you become the legend himself! Friday the 13th: The Game will include a variety of kills, new and familiar, that will help you set the tone for the Jason Voorhees that you want to be. You’ll even get to unlock various Jason incarnations from the movies!Jason will be equipped with a terrifying array of abilities, giving you the control of a hunter at the height of his game. These are his woods, and he knows them all too well. Jason will not only feed off the fear of his victims, but will become stronger as the night progresses. The darker the night, the more terrifying Jason becomes!Fans of the movies will be able to play as various versions of Jason, including: Friday the 13th, Part IIFriday the 13th, Part IIIFriday the 13th, Part VI: Jason LivesFriday the 13th, Part VII: New BloodFriday the 13th, Part VIII: Jason Takes ManhattanJason Goes to Hell: The Final FridayHow Will You Survive? The entire focus of Friday the 13th: The Game is multiplayer. Survival is entirely up to you, the player, as you either stealthily hide from Jason or work together as a team to escape or bring the fight to Jason. Playing as a counselor is all about risk and reward, giving players multiple means of triumph over Jason! Want to hide in the woods as you wait for the police? Perhaps you want to band together and try to take on Jason as a group? Maybe you and a friend decide to fix the boat on the lake and escape while leaving everyone else to their fate? There are endless opportunities to survive the night, but every choice has a consequence. Friday the 13th: The Game will continually set the pace of change, giving you unfamiliar surroundings while Jason Voorhees looks for his latest victim. No single strategy will ever be reliable, forcing players to adapt and change each time they begin their long night in Camp Blood! Be wary, you never know when or where Jason is going to strike!Play as the Counselors!We all remember the various tropes from Friday the 13th, and the game will be no exception! Each counselor type will have strengths and weaknesses, affording players the chance to excel in certain situations. Find the counselor that best suits your play style, or come up with various strategies to win against Jason! Players will have the chance to continually update and improve their characters through unlocks, customization and improvement! The more you play, the more you adapt and become a better all-around counselor!Camp Crystal Lake in All Its Glory!Mirroring Camp Crystal Lake from the Friday the 13th series, players will try to survive not only in the iconic Camp Crystal Lake, but surrounding area. Iconic locations from the movies, like Higgins Haven will also serve as stalking grounds for Jason and his prey. Players will be given a large, open area in which to explore as they attempt to hide from certain death! Each gameplay session will fundamentally change the scenario, never affording players the opportunity to learn patterns or figure out where helpful items may be lying. With each movie giving a different feeling to the campgrounds, Friday the 13th: The Game gives you new and challenging situations every time you enter the woods!Your Crystal Lake DatabaseFriday the 13th: The Game will feature a progressive unlock system unified to your account. The longer you play, the more you'll unlock from counselor customization to new Jason Voorhees costumes seen in the movies! Besides giving you personalized camp counselors, you'll be able to unlock secrets within Camp Crystal Lake, exploring the mystery surrounding Jason Voorhees and the grounds he patrols!Be Kind. Rewind. Every aspect of Friday the 13th: The Gameis drawn straight from movies you know and love. We’ve carefully crafted this world to remind you ofeverything you remember about Friday the 13th, right down to the visual fidelity of the 80’s. This is exactly how you remember it. 7aa9394dea Title: Friday the 13th: The GameGenre: ActionDeveloper:IllFonicPublisher:Gun MediaRelease Date: 26 May, 2017 Friday The 13th: The Game Password friday the 13th the game torrent download. friday the 13th the game key free. friday the 13th the game revolt. friday the 13th the game crack fix. friday the 13th game part 7 dlc. friday the 13th the game vanessa. friday the 13th the game download beta. friday the 13th the game free download (b8401). friday the 13th the game online. friday the 13th the game soundtrack download. friday the 13th the game items. descargar friday the 13th the game torrent. friday 13 the game pc torrent. friday the 13th the game theme. friday the 13th the game collector's edition. friday the 13th the game free play. friday the 13th game download repack. friday the 13th the game emotes. friday the 13th the game victoria sterling. friday the 13th the game 2019. friday the 13th game pc download tpb. friday the 13th the game xbox one cheats. friday the 13th the game erro 0xc00007b. friday the 13th the game vr. friday the 13th the game ost. friday the 13th the game free pc. friday the 13th the game bloody jason skin. friday the 13th the game no download. friday the 13th the game ultimate slasher switch edition. friday the 13th the game torrent oyun. get friday the 13th game free xbox one. friday the 13th the game launcher download. friday the 13th game free ps4 date. friday the 13th the game may update. friday the 13th the game virtual cabin 3.0. friday the 13th the game free download torrent. friday the 13th full game free download. friday the 13th the game pc 32 bit. friday the 13th game zdarma. friday the 13th the game offline challenges. friday the 13th the game badges. friday the 13th the game 4k. friday the 13th the game download mac. friday the 13th the game gamefaqs. download de friday the 13th the game gratis. friday the 13th game hacks xbox one. friday the 13th the game jason part 9 gameplay. friday the 13th the game virtual cabin ps4. friday the 13th the game dlc download. friday the 13th game reset to 0. how to download friday the 13th the game free. friday the 13th the game pc download. friday the 13th the game steam charts. friday the 13th the game online only. friday the 13th the game 8401. friday the 13th the game challenge 4 hidden objective. friday the 13th the game fan art Paranoia - A new game mode coming to Friday the 13th: The Game: #whoisfiVeComing at no additional charge, soon! 10.25.2017 - Patch Notes: New Counselor, Tommy Updates and Tons of Bug Fixes!: Hey all!We've got a new system for elaborating on our patch notes, so you can see a ton of that info here at It goes over the new content, new counselor (Fox) as well as updates to Tommy Jarvis that have been added!Here's our attempt to format for Steam: New Counselor: Fox. PATCH IS LIVE - Notes and Updates - BUILD 2686: Hey all; the patch is live. Please restart your Steam Client. This is our first major fix/improvement patch and we are working on stability. Other fixes are coming, but the most immediate issues have been addressed. You should see better quickplay. As for those who have 'Database Login Failure'/'Saving Profile Data' - That is a backend issue for servers. We are incrementally working on that. It is separate from the patch and will be disappearing as we work account to account. This one takes some time, but everyone will eventually have that issue removed for the population that still has it. Also note for backers: DLC is still on hold due to waiting for Steam. We have been waiting for a response for some time now and we won't be able to do anything until we get word. Apologies, but we're messaging as best we can :/ More work, but the fixes are starting to come online!PATCH NOTES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Improvements- Numerous optimizations to Quick Play: Search less, be discovered more; request a smaller sample size when searching to ping fewer results, so the scan to join turn-around is quicker. Will reduce contention issues.- EasyAntiCheat now verifies content has not been tampered with to prevent content modification cheating methods.- Reduced the amount of time the QuickPlay lobby timer "bumps" when someone connects or joins to 30s instead of 90 and 45s respectively.- Drop the lobby timer to 30s instead of 60s when it gets full.Fixes- Fixed party members not always following their leader when matchmaking into dedicated servers.- Fixed a matchmaking slicing issue causing potentially good servers to be ignored/discarded.- Fixed a UE4 bug with causing the game to freeze when unplugging headphones.- Fixed Push To Talk not turning off when a gamepad is in use instead of a KB/mouse.- Fixed the idle timer not properly bumping while spectating. Also bumping it before spawning as Tommy to fix a potential idle kick when that happens.- Fixed some foot sliding when using the flare gun or shotgun.- Disabled VR plugins to fix dialogs prompting to use them.- Fixed players getting the Public Health achievement for healing themselves.- Fixed stats that are not associated with a leaderboard not always updating on Steam.- Fixed a permanent black screen on systems that do not support the intro videos correctly. Working on finding out why that occurs on some systems, newer UE4 feature.- Fixed the intro/outro videos not being sound grouped. Effects volume now affects them.- Fixed several dedicated and listen server specific crashes.. Virtual Cabin Currently Available!: Hello fellow Friday the 13th fans!Today is the day we launch the Crystal Lake Virtual Cabin Preview. We really want to bring our backers and Friday the 13th fans along for the ride on the development side of things, and we're happy you hopped on board! The Virtual Cabin is an interactive behind the scenes look at the development and will eventually grow to become a digital museum of the development process on the game. We'll be charging cards soon if you ordered the Cabin and soon thereafter your codes will arrive via email.Currently the Virtual Cabin Preview is PC only. Redeeming the codes is easy, you'll just login to Steam (or download, sign-up and login to Steam if you don't have an account already), then redeem the code via the +Add a Game option in the Steam client. Here is a link with more info on adding a game to your Steam account.With this being the initial release it won't be as expansive as it's ultimately planned to be, but as we've stated, we have an update schedule to continue to grow it over the coming months. We'll have an update tomorrow that adds a few more features, then on July 15th we'll grant access to the Jason Room for all of you out there and add even more. For today you'll be able to walk around the cabin in full 3D and check out the latest assets from the game, see the details the artists have added, listen to the radio for tracks from the game soundtrack as well as behind the scenes audio tracks with the dev team discussing the game. We'll be adding more rooms, more game models as they are completed, additional audio tracks for the radio, a working TV that shows videos down the road, and much, much more!Take a look at these screenshots attached and get ready to enter the Virtual Cabin! The team has hidden a bunch of objects from various movies, and they all look exactly as they did on the films. All you hardcore Friday the 13th fans should spend some time finding the objects, taking screenshots and posting them on Twitter and tagging @friday13thgame with your guesses for which movies they are from.Please spread the word and have others consider pre-ordering the game and/or the Virtual Cabin on Slasher Backer to help us hit more Stretch Goals.Here is the link to share! you didn't order the Virtual Cabin yet, do so now and get in on the next wave of code releases tomorrow!On behalf of all of Gun Media, Illfonic, Crystal Lake Entertainment, Horror Inc., Sean Cunningham, Kane Hodder, Tom Savini, and Harry Manfredini...THANK YOU ALL!Enjoy your time in the Cabin!. Virtual Cabin 2.0 Announcement Trailer: of you have seen the countless videos online of people playing the The Virtual Cabin 1.0 in the past. We built the first version of the Virtual Cabin as an add-on to our Kickstarter campaign. It was a pretty straight forward experience with a few puzzles and easter eggs. Hardcore fans seemed to really enjoy it, so we decided to go back to the drawing board and completely revamp it.We redid the entire layout of the VC, made it bigger, with more puzzles, easter eggs and props from both the films and the game. VC 2.0 still has an F13 museum aspect to it, but there’s something deeper, beneath the surface if you wish to dig around. We liken this experience to a certain crazy good/fun horror demo that got canceled. However we’re doing our own thing, wrapped in Friday the 13th, and we think it’s pretty cool. The whole experience is in 1st person and has some jump scares that you twisted people love so much. :)If you purchased the original VC, you will still have access to that via steam. But VC 2.0 will be accessible by all three platforms (PC, XB1 and PS4) from the main menu of the game. It will be within the Singleplayer section of the menu.. June 20th Content Update - Free Update and Compensation for Launch Issues: I'll let the video do most of the talking, however we do want to make note that you are being heard and updates will continually be rolling in. We have a lot planned to continue this trend, but we hope this first one will be interesting to you as we move towards more and more for this gameOur thanks to the community for their support, their feedback, their concern and their suggestions. This has been a rocky release, to be frank. Our team is looking forward to the future to get more features, more content, more updates rolling at a quick pace and we hope you enjoy!As for the update; Patch 1.03 is live! - Exploit Fixes, Boosted Security Update, Changes: Hey all! So we've been paying a lot of attention to the feedback we're getting on the forums and we've done a lot to curb the exploits that have become fairly well-known to users that are playing. This update is a quick stopgag to a content update we'll have very shortly, but we wanted to get this security patch out that handles the perk selling issue that users have been running into, as well as close off various spots on the maps where users are hiding. Most of these, especially the common ones, should be resolved at this time. However, we will continue to monitor. Please update your builds and let us know what you think!ImprovementsSteam matchmaking searches longer for lower pinged games. Various minor matchmaking optimizations made.Lobby countdown timer closes menus at the 3 second mark instead of when it starts. Warning beeps can now be heard from sub-menus.Added lots more environmental kill locations to all of the maps.Leaving a match while a party leader now prompts you to disband or take the party with you.Security updates to prevent account spoofing.Dynamic camera and character animation improvements.Added an option for controlling the PTT sound.Increased XP penalty of team killing fellow counselors to -1,000XP from-200XPFixesFixed several exploit locations on all maps. Fixed Steam party members not following the party leader.Fixed Steam party main menu voice stuttering.Fixed Jason getting stuck in the grab pose if a grabbed counselor disconnects while being pulled out of a car.Fixed an issue with block detection on boat seats.Fixed some counselor vehicle interactions not being blocked while in a context kill.Fixed some floating items on item swap and with traps.Fixed the Shotgun sometimes floating after use.Fixed an issue with tracking total Jason kills.Fixed multiple achievement related bugs.Fixed windows sometimes displaying the wrong open/close position on listen servers.Fixed an issue where sprint was canceling fear animations & some stances.Fixed some dynamic camera issues when interpolating from a kill back to the player.Fixed Jason being able to morph into the boat and get shoved out of the map.Fixed a case where spectators would not hear alive players.Fixed session presence not always updating immediately to point at your game session (for invites) after you leave a party session.Fixed some game server specific crashes.Fixed the game sitting for the duration of the outro when no outro is played.Fixed the scoreboard staying on the screen when the end match menu opens. Locking the end match scoreboard on-screen.Fixed defaults not always functioning in Video Settings. Made the Gamma slider easier to use with a gamepad.Fixed a case where a player's mute state may not be sent to the server after loading the map.Fixed character placement issue when getting out of a tent.Fixed character placement issue when ejected from a car and your door is blocked.Fixed being able to use other items while using the sweater.Fixed some exploits with trap placement.Fixed multiple crouch exploits.Fixed multiple fireplace kill interaction distances.Fixed multiple cases of Jason being struck and flying off the map.Fixed multiple interaction lock bugs.Optimized Steam P2P lobby tag updates, dedicated server tag space usage.. Virtual Cabin Update - Counselor Room Unlocked: In case you haven't purchased the Virtual Cabin, we've unlocked yet another room! This time we've got the counselor models on display with a bevy of new easter eggs and hidden features!Remember, this cabin is stand-alone. It's meant to be more a museum/dev-diary as we continue work on the main game. This is something our team is doing in our free time, but it's totally getting the love and attention it deserves, as you're seeing art/assets and animations from the main game!We're only offering it for sale at BackerKit currently: can get it for $15USD (automatic conversion when charged to your home currency if you are outside the US). Minimum recommended specs: Windows 7, 8, 102.0 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU8GB MemoryDirectX 11 Compatible GPU with 2GB Video RAM3GB Hard Disk Space. World Gameplay Premier!: everyone! Here's our gameplay premier for Friday the 13th: The Game!This video gives you more of the perspective of Jason Voorhees as he tackles people playing as counselors. Now, please keep in mind we have hammed this up a bit and Jason is very, very OP in the video. We have a lot of balancing to work on, we have a lot of work stil ahead of us as we are in pre-alpha...but this video should give you an idea of what we're going for and where we're at!We have sooooo much more to show you guys and we cannot wait to reveal more as we get further into the project! Things are coming together and we're incredibly happy to bring this to you! Enjoy!-Gun


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